January 15, 2011

GYPSY MADE SIMPLE - Making Envelopes

Sometime a card just needs a little more to it, like a matching envelope!! Gypsy Made Simple focuses in on just that today... Envelopes. They are so simple and there are so many carts that offer them you just need to know how to adjust for the card you made. Simple.

Hope you enjoy today's video.... be sure you have your coffee and are ready to go with your Gypsy turned on. You will need any program that has envelopes on it.
And you discovered in the video your card sizes don't have to be the traditional ones.... the card above is a 4x4 inch card from Wild Card and has this adorable little matching envelope.
Here is the layout of the design, but I have to admit after I layered the paper on the mat I decided to add a few more flowers so that I could layer them on the card. I just love the way it turned out. I also played with the size of the flower so it would fit on the envelope. They did provide a cut for the little flower but I didn't like the way it looked so I didn't use it and made my own.

Before assembling I did use my score pal for all the folds. I did remove the score marks before cutting as once again I don't like the way they look on the final project so I do remove whenever possible.

After scoring all my cards and envelopes I placed each in an individual bag so I had little kits that I could put together when I had the time. My schedule has been extremely hectic as of late so I bagged and them placed them in my bag for work in hopes that I would have some free time to finish.

This envelope is just too cute. I only wished that I was home when I put this together as I really would have had fun with my ink. Forgive me Elizabeth but I can fit everything in my bag and the project was for envelopes not inking. Notice I had made two extra cuts for the little flower and love how that and the lining looks on the finished envelope.
The little crystal stickers just add the perfect touch to these flowers and I picked them up on clearance at Hobby Lobby about a year ago.
Isn't this pretty? I just love this little card set and I know this is a card I will be making over and over as it is just the right size to place in a gift or for a little note. Don't you just love how cute they are together?
And here is another little card set that I did. It is a 5x5 and make a great little note set and is from Walk In The Garden I do believe (I have to start writing theses things down). Notice the edge of the card and the edge of the envelope match. Envelopes really can make the card set so much nicer.
I remember getting a thank you card from Bobby & Jill the Cricut Couple and I was so excited as the envelope was hand made too! Hubby thought I was nut when I kept saying "look at this, look how pretty Jim" and it was all because the card and the envelope matched. The cool thing is that I have discovered that it is not that difficult and it looks GORGEOUS!
Look at this beautiful set the envelope, phrase and bugs shell is all from the same paper and I love the look... so rich looking. And you really don't see envelope in the store with these gorgeous cuts either. So take a few extra minutes and turn that special card into something really special.
Isn't this just too cute? I sure hope you like today's projects along with that cherry danish!!!
Join in for today's project is to make a card set. Any card as long as you have added a matching envelope. The envelope can be plain like the one above or you may want to add cuts to it like my little flower set. the choice is yours. Now take a photo and link it up to my blog so we can see what you learned today. Hopefully we can see all kinds of card sets as this is a really basic project that we all need to know how to do. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. Your comments always inspire me to continue sharing with you and your linked projects thrill me beyond belief. Have a great week
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Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards... Great tip on how to make the envelopes...

Unknown said...

Thanks again for an awesome tutorial Sheila!! You are the Gypsy Queen girl!!!

Angi Barrs said...

I needed this tip on making envelopes. So adorable. Love it. :)

GabyCreates.com said...

This is great tutorial Sheila! I too take those scoring marks out... but have yet to find the right card stock that does not seem to break when I score... Gaby
PS I meant pattern paper, because AC cardstock does not break on me.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

I always enjoy your videos Shelia.. they are filled with awesome little tips. Thanks for taking the time to do them.. Hoping I will get things organized soon so I can start playing along with you. hugs

Measha06 said...

Thanks Sheila you make everything seem so simple and logical! I also love to see it is not just me that when you tap a tab you have to do it several times before it reacts. Keep on posting I do enjoy your videos.

Audrey Frelx said...

Really great job, Sheila!!! Cute cards!

Enfys said...

Fantastic post Sheila, and thank you so much for coming over to my party! Good luck with this and the rest of the competitions over on my blog this week,
big hugs
En xx

Tammy said...

Great post Sheila!!! I also really really really like your Stampede Blinkie on the sidebar!!! Yee haw!!!

So happy you are coming to Dallas!!


flowerdisco said...

love that bug sheila...so many cartridges we forget what we already have with super cute cuts like this one...tfs!

June said...

Love these cards and envelopes!!!

mfc.melissamade2 said...

Beautiful tutorial Sheila! I always have a hard time getting the sizes just right! This tutorial is wonderful!!! Beautiful cards too!

Michele said...

Very nice and informative! Thanks for sharing.

Barb Craft said...

Great tute Sheila! I often steer clear of shaped cards just because of the envelope issue! You have inspired me to try making my own!!
Barb :)

Shari said...

Adorable, I agree, matching envelopes and adding something inside the card (matching paper, embelishment, etc.) really make the difference.
Shari Y . . .

Bamabel said...

Fabulous tutorial Sheila! I need to give this a try and soon! :)

Ali said...

beautiful cards and fabulous designing love your work......

Plastic Card